The Fundamentals of Digital Advertising and How It Can Benefit Your Brand|Blog posts

The Fundamentals of Digital Advertising and How It Can Benefit Your Brand

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Date : 12th, Dec 2022


Digital advertising is one of the most effective tools for businesses to get their brand, products and services in front of the right people online to reach potential customers and grow your business. Digital advertising is a great way to build brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales as consumers are increasingly spending more and more time online and using digital devices, making digital advertising an essential part of a successful marketing strategy.


Characteristics of Digital advertising

1. Targeted

Unlike other forms of advertising, digital marketing allows advertisers to reach their potential customers in a much more targeted way. Digital advertising can be used to target potential customers based on their specific interests, geographical location, and demographic characteristics.

 2. Measurable 

Digital marketing allows for a much more detailed measurement of the results of campaigns. With data-driven analysis, marketers can see which of their campaigns are working and make the appropriate adjustments quickly and easily.

 3. Cost-effective 

Digital marketing is often more cost effective than traditional marketing methods, allowing for a much higher return on investment. Digital marketing campaigns can often be set up quickly and cost very little, making them an attractive option for small businesses.

4. Time sensitive 

 Digital marketing is great for reaching customers when they’re most likely to act, such as when they’re searching for a product or service online. This allows for campaigns to be both timely and effective. 

5. Relevant

Digital marketing campaigns can be tailored so that the right ad is seen by the right people. Digital advertising can be used to create messages that are more relevant to each audience, making sure that the right message is seen by the right people. 

6. Dynamic 

Digital marketing campaigns can be updated and changed quickly, allowing them to stay ahead of trends and keep up with the ever-changing landscape. This makes it easier for campaigns to remain relevant and interesting to customers.

 7. Innovative 

Digital marketing gives businesses the opportunity to explore new and innovative strategies, including new technologies and social media platforms. This innovation can improve engagement and increase conversions.


Types of Digital advertising

There are a variety of different types of digital advertising that businesses can use to engage with their target audiences.

Social Media Advertising

Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are popular choices for businesses to advertise their products and services. With their vast user base, businesses can target specific segments based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors. Paid social media advertising is essentially native ads; they are created to take advantage of promoted posts and target audiences to connect with specific individuals. The social media network will mark them as "Sponsored" or "Advertisement." Ads on social media come in many forms, like sponsored content, sponsored stories, sponsored events, and promoted posts. 

Word-of-mouth marketing takes the form of organic social media ads. Influencers are those who will promote a good or service in their posts, videos, or stories The ones who identify it as an advertisement are the influencers, not the social media platform. Organic social media ads are excellent for developing a devoted brand following and making it simple for firms to get customer feedback.

Social Media Advertising


Search Engine Advertising

Search engine advertising (SEAs) is one of the most popular forms of digital marketing. With SEAs, businesses can show ads based on the search terms and keywords used by users to find information online. 

Search engine optimization and pay-per-click (PPC) are the two primary subcategories of SEM (SEO). Businesses can appear as the first and/or final few results on the first page of search results using PPC campaigns and ads. Only when the link is clicked advertiser charged.  The bid that the business or advertiser places, as well as the quality and relevancy score by Google, determine the position and placement of the ad.

On the other side, SEO requires a lot of effort and strategy to rank on the first page, but it will be worthwhile. Businesses have a greater chance of appearing on the first page of search results and obtaining free traffic by optimizing their websites for specific keywords. Search engines display results based on relevancy. Linking, keyword targeting, and meta-descriptions are frequently used to optimize websites. High levels of content must be consistently produced.


Search Engine Advertising

Display Advertising

Display ads appear on web pages and are one of the oldest forms of online advertising. These ads can be text, image, video, or rich media ads that are displayed on websites, video networks, and mobile apps. Display ads are often placed in strategic locations to capture the attention of users.


Video Advertising

Video advertising in some way advertises a business or a product. They can be used as display or native ads. The time and effort required to create an engaging video that is visually appealing conveys the message, speaks to the brand, and has emotionally enticing music or audio is the most difficult aspect of making video ads. It is the most time-consuming type of digital advertising, but it has a track record of success. Advertisers will have an easier time grabbing audience attention because viewers can easily digest the content and learn more about the brand.

Video advertising

Native Advertising

Native ads offer businesses an opportunity to blend conventional ads in with the type of content that their users are used to seeing. In-feed search advertisements, recommendation widgets, and promoted listings are the four subtypes of native advertising. Native advertising displays ads that are relevant to the audience based on their online habits and past interactions. For example, native ads on Google are displayed in the search results as “sponsored ads”, while Twitter uses a “promoted post” feature to share ads among its users. 

Email Advertising

 Email advertising is one of the most cost-effective forms of digital advertising. It’s designed to reach potential customers with relevant messages that are tailored to their interests and behaviors. Email advertising campaigns can also be used to nurture existing leads and help increase customer loyalty. 

Digital advertising is an essential part of a successful marketing strategy, as it allows businesses to reach potential customers with personalized messages straight to their digital devices. With so many types of digital advertising to choose from, business owners can create effective campaigns to generate more leads, engagement, and sales. It’s cost-effective, offers detailed analytics, and can be tailored to fit the needs of each user. With the right strategy and execution, digital advertising can help you reach new customers and grow your business.

Give us a call if you need to assist with the digital advertising and marketing plan for your company. We at Yurik Technologies are experts in all types of digital marketing and are happy to work with you to achieve your company's goals.