Google Analytics Vs Google Analytics 4 - Key Benefits of Switching to GA4|Blog posts

Google Analytics Vs Google Analytics 4 - Key Benefits of Switching to GA4

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Date : 29th, Dec 2022


Google Announced on March 16, 2022, that it will discontinue Universal Analytics (GA3) on July 1st, 2023. So if you decide not to switch to GA4 then your current Google Analytics tracking would automatically stop working after July 1, 2023. And to make matter worse, Google will also delete all of your historical universal analytics data in 2023.


Google Announced on March 16, 2022, that it will discontinue Universal Analytics (GA3) on July 1st, 2023. So if you decide not to switch to GA4 then your current Google Analytics tracking would automatically stop working after July 1, 2023. And to make matter worse, Google will also delete all of your historical universal analytics data in 2023.

Since its inception in 2005, Google Analytics (GA3) has revolutionized the way businesses track, measure, and analyze their digital presence. As one of the most widely used web analytics tools, GA has become the go-to platform for data-driven decision-making. 

In the early days of GA, the platform was solely focused on tracking website traffic. It allowed businesses to gain insights into how visitors were finding and navigating their webpages. Over the years, the platform has evolved to become a powerful tool that provides insights into user behavior, customer journeys, and marketing performance.

In 2020, Google released a new version of the platform, called Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This new version of GA is the first major overhaul of the platform since its introduction 15 years ago and marks a significant shift in the way its users can measure, track, and analyze their digital presence.


What Is the Difference Between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?

The key difference between UA and GA4 is the way in which data is collected and organized. Whereas UA focused on website traffic, GA4 collects data from app usage and other digital interactions. 

Universal Analytics (UA) is the previous version of Google Analytics and it is used to track website visits and user behavior. It uses a single tracking code to track all website visitors and provides insight into user demographics and behaviors. 

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the latest version of Google Analytics and it uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide insights into website visitors and their behavior. It uses a different tracking code than UA and is more focused on engagement and user flow. GA4 also provides more granular data and allows for more customization of reports. GA4 also offers real-time analysis of user behavior which UA does not provide.


Some Key Benefits of Google Analytics 4 

1. Measurement Model

GA3's measurement model is based on sessions and pageviews. A "session" is a collection of user interactions  with a website that happen over a given timeframe. Multiple pageviews, events, and eCommerce purchases can occur throughout a same session.

The GA4 measurement model is based on events and parameters.Any interaction can be recorded as an event.

In GA4, for instance, the event page view has the parameters page location (the page URL), page referrer (the previous page URL), and page title.


2. Cross-platform tracking

Before, Firebase was used for mobile applications and Google Analytics was used for websites. However, GA4, which is  Google Analytics for Firebase with website tracking capabilities, is used for both websites and mobile applications. With GA4, we can combine data using a single property for both online and mobile applications.  This is done by using the data stream in GA4. Under one property, we can have multiple data streams.


3. Built in roll up reporting

Roll-up properties combine data from various source properties into a single roll-up property, giving you a comprehensive view of your business across all of your products, brands, and geographical areas. For instance, if your business owns several different brands, you may combine those assets into a single one that offers an overall picture of how those brands are performing.

We use multiple trackers on each page of the website or GA360 to set Roll up reporting in GA3.With no coding or tagging, GA4 enables you to consolidate data on website and mobile app usage into a single report. 


4.Complete users Journey

There’s a new section in GA4 called Life Cycle. Reports on Acquisition, Engagement, Monetization, and Retention are located under this category. The acquisition and engagement reports could either reveal which of your paid advertising or awareness campaigns are effective, as well as which types of content are most valuable to your visitors, or the reverse. The monetization and retention reports provide information on revenue and customer retention rates.


5.Accurate Engagement Tracking metrics

GA4 provides you with more accurate information on user engagement than the bounce rate, or the percentage of people that leave a page without making any interactions. When a session lasts at least 10 seconds, has at least one conversion event, or includes at least two page views, it is considered engaged.

Google Analytics 4

With GA4 we get engagement metrics like,

  1. Engagement session
  2. Engagement rate
  3. Engagement session per user.
  4. Average engagement time


6. Advanced Analysis

A collection of tools for performing advanced analysis and making ad funnels is now accessible to GA4 users without a paid GA360 subscription.

You can create more specialised funnels using more funnel modification tools.

  • You can identify the user paths that are most often taken  (e.g., from reading an article to signing up for the newsletter).
  • Your analysis gains a new depth because to heat maps.
  • You can see the connections between the segments you are targeting in the segment overlap report.
  • You can take a closer look at specific user segments that you think are most important for your investigation using the user explorer report.


How to Switch to GA4?

If you  are using universal analytics, you can find an upgrade by going to the admin area of your property.

A GA4 property will be created for you if you want to register a new account if you are just getting started with GA.

The moment you add the measurement code to the header of each page, the data will start flowing and you'll be able to explore all the amazing opportunities and capabilities.

And it is essential to switch to Google Analytics 4 before July 1,2023 2023, which helps you learn more about your customers' behavior.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions about the differences between GA4 and Universal Analytics. They will be more than pleased to assist you.