What will Social Media look like in 2024?|Blog posts

What will Social Media look like in 2024?

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Date : 01st, Dec 2023


Video Content Domination - The first big social media trend in 2024 is video content. According to a study, people on average watch 17 hours of online video content per week. This number is expected to increase in 2024 as video format continues its undeniable reign. Marketers themselves acknowledge that video content earns one of the highest ROIs among media formats, provides a substantial return on their investment. From short reels on Instagram to in-depth YouTube tutorials, videos are the medium for engaging and retaining audiences.



Integration of Shopping and Social Media 

Social commerce is the new frontier. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest have seamlessly integrated shopping features, making it easier than ever for consumers to purchase products directly through social media.

With 83% of shoppers turning to Instagram for product discovery, the melding of social media and e-commerce is a trend that’s here to stay.

Enhanced Hyper-Personalization

Hyper-personalization in marketing is going to be big in 2024. With the advancement in AI and machine learning, users now expect content tailored specifically to their preferences. Hyper-personalization involves leveraging data analytics to deliver more relevant content, products, or emails to users.

LinkedIn Will Be the Prime Social Media Channel for B2B

Move over, Facebook! LinkedIn is quickly becoming the hotspot for B2B marketing. With its focus on professionals and industry-specific content, 65% of B2B Marketers claim they will increase their LinkedIn usage next year.

Rising Role of Micro and Nano Influencers

While celebrity endorsements are impactful, there’s a shift towards micro (10k-50k followers) and nano influencers (<10k followers). Their niche audiences, genuine engagement, and trust factor make them invaluable for brand partnerships.

90% of marketers want to work with micro-influencers since they have better engagement than larger influencers. This trend is set to continue in 2024.

Hybrid Content

2024 will be witnessing new levels of automation, one of which is Hybrid Content. Hybrid content represents a fusion of artificial intelligence and human creativity in content creation. 

Hybrid content offers advantages like quicker content production, tailored personalization, and consistent quality. 73% of B2B and B2C marketing executives are already using generative AI to help create text, images, videos, or other content.

Social Media Automation

50% of brands have adopted marketing automation tools for social media management, marking a 6% increase from the previous year.  This growth is expected to persist, as automation not only reduces costs but also enables brands to concentrate on strategy and content creation. By adopting these tools, brands will benefit from consistent posting, real-time engagement tracking, and heightened overall efficiency.

User Generated Content Will Increase

UGC (User Generated Content) is the future of content marketing. It’s genuine, builds community, and it’s free. UGC fosters a dynamic brand-consumer relationship, transforming passive viewers into active participants and advocates.